Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Judge & Me...and Debra Makes Three

Hi folks. I'm not a judge and I don't even play one on television. But I do have an interesting tale about a Texas judge and me. The wife and I were taking care of her 13 year old nephew for a week and it was no easy task. When he asked if he could set me up with a MySpace and Facebook account, I said sure. What kind of trouble could he get me into? Age? Let's say 29. Income? Oh, roughly a half million. It's not like anyone is going to take it seriously, now is it?

Picture? Oh, just pick one out. Now to most people that would mean picking one out from the snaps stored on the hard drive, but not to the nephew. When I looked at the finished product the man staring back at me was someone I'd never seen before. How did the little guy pick him? I've never asked, but the judge, as I've come to call him, and I have very similar names, so maybe he Googled me and came up with the guy from Texas. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I doubt the judge really cares if anyone used his picture as long as no one used his name, rank, or serial number. I didn't even know who he was until my dear, kind neighbor from Greenhill told me. And quite a few other people, bless her heart.

So why did I keep it? Hey the guy was better looking than me. A lot of people, especially women, substitute pictures of those that put their looks in the shade. Take my neighbor from Greenhill that I just mentioned. Would you want to be a 300 pound washed out 60ish blond when you could look like this?

Until next time, this is Ed saying blogging is cheaper than a lawyer and a whole lot more fun.

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